Yesterday, I woke up with Luke 18 on my mind. My first thought was Luke 18:27...

“What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

Of course, we all want to believe in the impossible. We all want to hold onto hope and trust the journey and process, but it is NOT always easy to remember that through the journey.

However, if we rewind a bit in Luke 18, we are brought back to the parable of the persistent widow (‭‭Luke‬ ‭18:1-8‬).

✝️ Right at the start it reads, “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” ~ Luke 18:1

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God is the opposite of the unjust judge in this scripture.


The parable isn’t asking us to beg to make things go our way. (GOD’S WILL & WAYS ALWAYS TRUMP OUR matter what my stubborn self may think at times.)

~ Instead, it shows a perfect example of what we are called to do...


We don’t come up with the rules or the timetable. Just like we are not called to write off a situation, condition, person or even ourselves as something/someone that will never change. We are not called to tag things as impossible. We are not called to judge or label them at all.

🤍 Instead, we are called to LOVE.

🤍 We are instructed to “ALWAYS PRAY AND NOT GIVE UP.”

🤍 We are called to remain STEADFAST IN PRAYER as we await Him.

So no matter how heavy or hard the challenges or even opposition may feel at times,


We truly never know what blessing may be on the other side:
of each step...
of each prayer...
of each act of obedience...
of each breath of patience...

We truly never know what God has waiting for us. So let’s join together to move whatever was put in the compartment of impossible into God’s hands of all possibilities.

He IS the God of the impossible.

So, pray and believe &

Do. Not. Give. Up. 🤍